July Workout – Day 8 Stats

Hey NeverEver’s!

Its Monday. I still can’t believe the weekend is already done and its Monday again. In 2 days time it is going to be the Hubby’s Birthday. Planning something for him on Friday night but on Wednesday its just about the family and getting together.

Anyways, I wanted to share with you some pictures from Anime Expo!!

We go every year for the creativity, the fun, the anime and the fans. This was Black Widow and Thor!


The dedication that the people put into their cos-play is amazing. 

Of course its also lots of fun. Especially when we ourselves cos-play ourselves. 

Plus I just love to see and get the younger generation into the fun as well!

Oh did I mention the shopping? Yup that is me with some cat ears and huge cat paws ^_~
All in All it was a really enjoyable trip and the Hubby and I are already planning for next year. I am hoping we can get a hotel so we don’t have to worry about parking (LA gets expensive). 
However, you came for the Weigh in. And I am here to tell you…you will not be disappointed! 
June 28th 2013
204.4 Pounds
July 1st 2013
July 8th 2013
Total of 3.3 pounds lost in 10 days! 
I have never been so happy ^_^. Okay there has been a few times but not about weight loss. It is off to a good start and can ONLY get better!!
Because tomorrow I start…

BootCamp! Yes that is right I am starting it tomorrow at 4:45 am. Hold me now! Also it says that if I swear, if I show up late and other things that they have the right to make me do 20 push-ups. I am seriously wondering how strong that swear promise is ^_^

So yes tomorrow…early in the morning while everyone on the West Coast is still sleeping I will be driving down the 710 freeway towards Long Beach for a Boot Camp that I wanted and will be taking seriously. Half of me can’t wait and the other half…well that half wishes I could still sleep in.

Also wanted to show my work out for this afternoon. I will tell you it wasn’t easy to get up and moving today. People were missing from work, I was still tired from the convention and I just wanted to relax. Plus my treadmills were taken (that is what I get for going late). But I got out there and still moved. Not as many calories burned as I would have if I went treadmill but I got out there. 
And that helped me survive the rest of the day. 

Wanted to end with a Dinner shot. Really, as soon as I got home I didn’t want to do anything. Just lay there and soak up the nice cool A/C. Hubby allowed me to do this for about an hour and half (isn’t he nice) and then proceeded to kick my ass out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

I came up with some Orange flavored (think squeezed oranges) chicken with some wheat pasta and veggies tomato sauce. I also added some lime juice for some extra kick on the juiciness. As a meal that I didn’t want to cook it took me about 20 minutes (getting the pasta was the longest) and came out pretty darn delicious.

My recipe?

Squeezed oranges onto the chicken. Proceed to cook with olive oil and some pepper. Then get the pasta ready. Easy Peasy.

Okay NeverEver’s, I wanted to write this before getting out there to do my workout. Not sure if I am going to do Hip Hop Ab’s, the family is over so my TV is taken. So I am probably going to head outside. Or do my Slim in 6 by myself in the bedroom. Either way a workout is getting done today.

So do you look forward to an event all year? Is there something that you just keep going back to everyday? What is your easy meal go to?

3 thoughts on “July Workout – Day 8 Stats

  1. Nice job on your loss this past 10 days! Just keep it up. I make a lot of salads if I want a quick meal. I put a lot of things in them, so don't think sissy salad. Lost of veggies, nuts, beans, sometimes fruit, quinoa. Whatever is handy.

  2. That convention looked like fun! Ive always wanted to go to some sort of convention! When Im back in the US Ill be looking into some!
    An easy meal that I love is twice baked squash!
    sausage, garlic, onions squash and an egg!

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